Things to consider to measure your level of independence and where help is needed in seven key activities of daily living.

How well do you perform the activities of daily living?
It’s often hard for seniors and caregivers to figure out their level of independence so they can get any additional help they need. Luckily, researchers have come up with a list of 12 measures of daily living independence to help you assess your current condition. Over time these measures can be revisited to make other arrangements as your situation changes.
Remember there are options. Starting with the ever increasing array of tools and equipment to simplify these tasks, to asking friends and family for help, or making an appointment with a health and hygiene provider (barber, beautician, podiatrist, hygienist), or hiring a certified home health aide to come to your home on a part-time basis, or change your living arrangements to a place that can accommodate your needs.
To review key measures for each of the categories, see the related posts: